Friday, September 4, 2015

useful dataset for cv

how to debug matlab code in linxu system

x = rand(10,10);
y = rand(10,5);
z = x * y;
keyboard; % you can interactively inspect x, y, z here
z = sort(z);
To leave keyboard mode, you can type dbquit to exit the program, or return to continue executing the program.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

feature reduction code

CloudCV: Object Detection

Benchmarks and challenges like PASCAL VOC and ImageNet have played a crucial role in advancing computer vision algorithms. However, with minor exceptions, such challenges also result in massive duplication of effort, with each research group developing its own infrastructure and code-base. In fact, warnings of fragmentation and lack of code reuse have repeatedly been among the top observations by forward-looking NSF funded workshops [1,2].
CloudCV can help unify fragmented efforts by being a unified data and code repository.